Descriptions are in alphabetical order
DoCs - Department of Concealment and Subterfuge
DEPI - Department of Espionage and Persons of Interest DGWC - Department of Global Wizarding Conservation DIMC - Department of International Magical Cooperation DIWSP - Department of Intrawizarding Social Policy DoME - Department of Magical Education DoMSaG - Department of Magical Sports and Games DoMRaD - Department of Magical Research and Development DSO - Department of Special Operations |
LT - Lit Track
TE - Theatrical WART Craft - Crafting/Activity DG - Discussion Group FF - Fanfic G/S - Gaming/Sports Media Meet-Up Music/Sing-Along SE - Special Events |
4 Cs of Cosplay 1: Character (DoCS)
Thursday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Perseus and Draco LePage, Clay Dockery
Improving or Perfecting your Cosplay and Improvisational Skills. Reprising by popular request -A fun and vital series of discussions. Lesson 1: How do I decide who I am? Playing personality: going with the flow of who you are, or making the flow go with you! We will also discuss how to play with or against physical type: finding the perfect person for you.
4 Cs of Cosplay 2: Creativity (DoCS)
Friday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Perseus and Draco LePage, Clay Dockery
Improving or Perfecting your Cosplay and Improvisational Skills. Reprising by popular request -A fun and vital series of discussions; Lesson 2: Accentuating costumes with props and personal details to make the character come alive! How a signed photo and a snake cane can make all the magical difference!
4 Cs of Cosplay 3: Charm (DoCS)
Saturday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Perseus and Draco LePage, Clay Dockery
Improving or Perfecting your Cosplay and Improvisational Skills. Reprising by popular request -A fun and vital series of discussions; Lesson 3: Short Form Interactions: 1) How to pose for a photo in character; 2) How to meet other characters from the canon; 3) How to meet yourself; 4) How to react when your interaction goes badly.
4 Cs of Cosplay 4: Compassion (DoCS)
Sunday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Perseus and Draco LePage, Clay Dockery
Improving or Perfecting your Cosplay and Improvisational Skills. Reprising by popular request -A fun and vital series of discussions; Lesson 4: Long Form Interactions: Role Playing, Improvisations, and character building - using the wonderful world and people around us to build a fantasy environment!
Albus Dumbledore and the Sorcerer's Stone (DEPI)
Friday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Irvin Khaytman
“D’you think Dumbledore meant you to do it?” Ron asks at the end of Sorcerer’s Stone. This presentation will attempt to definitely answer the age-old question of just how much Dumbledore influenced the events of Harry’s first year, and why. Why is the Stone protected by obstacles that eleven-year-olds can get through? Why are first years sent into the Forbidden Forest as detention? What was Dumbledore really trying to accomplish that year?
An introduction to the Dark Arts and Crafts: Needle Felting (8+) (DoCS)
Sunday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Nichole Kemsley
An Introduction to the Dark Arts and Crafts will begin with needle felting, a (witch) craft which involves stabbing wool fibres with a needle to create magical objects. This class will show you how to make a sorting hat with a cookie cutter and introduce you on how to make basic shapes and to build them up to make your own little Hogwarts student. Each participant will receive a kit to take home.
Ask the Authors! (LT)
Sunday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Literary Track Panel
How do you become a professional writer? What's it like working with an editor? What are the biggest challenges and rewards of a life as a professional writer? Our Literary Guests answer your burning questions. Recommended for anyone interested in advice for pursuing professional publishing or readers curious about a working author's path to publication. Books available for sale and signing.
Astronomy Lesson (DSO)
Friday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Tent in front of Lakeview
James Hinsey
A short lesson on the Stars and Planets in our night sky and how they move, how they are named, how we observe them, and how we look for more. Presented in the Astronomy Tent, a portable planetarium specially built and transported to MISTI-Con for the Wizarding World's Fair.
Fan Fiction Theatre or Nobody Loves Ron Weasley (TE)
Sunday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pavilion Tent
Phoenix Tears Productions
Bardic Circle (TE)
Thursday 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Tent in front of Lakeview
The Blibbering Humdingers
Bardic Circle - Be ye bard, filker, folkie, or wrocker, all are welcome. This is an SCA-style open song circle hosted by Master Efenwealt Wystle and Maîtresse Aénor d’Anjou (Scott & Kirsten Humdinger). We’ll take casual turns going around the circle giving anyone who wants a chance to sing a song or three. Or maybe you just want to sit and enjoy the music and the medieval ambiance? That’s fine too. Singalongs and instrumentals are encouraged. Let’s also try to keep with a magical/HP theme.
BBC Sherlock Meetup (Meet-Ups)
Saturday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Meet up with other fans of BBC Sherlock. Giveaways, snacks, and more! Sponsored by the Three Patch Podcast.
Being in Two Places At Once: The Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley, and The Hogwarts Express as Places of Liminality* (DEPI)
Friday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Stephanie Jeanne Weaver
In order to add to the academic discourse surrounding the Harry Potter Phenomenon, this presentation seeks to examine landscape and location in the Harry Potter Series. This particular endeavor examines how certain locations in Rowling's world exist in a liminal space between fantasy and reality. Like her predecessors Tolkien and Lewis, Rowling merges reality with fantasy in order to maintain her readers interest. The presentation looks to establish the aesthetic value of Rowling's piece through her usage of location.
Books first/Films first (DG)
Sunday 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Zazie Flamel
When we read a novel after seeing a movie version, our perception of the characters is heavily informed by those characters’ portrayals in the movie. On the other hand, the film portrayals may reinforce, augment, change or contradict the images and notions of the characters that we developed while reading the book. Let's compare experiences of fans who read one or more of the HP books before seeing film versions with the experiences of fans who began the books after seeing the movies.
Boston Area Meet-Up (Meet-Ups)
Friday 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Dining Hall
Alice Leung
Boston area fans, come see old friends or meet new ones! Join us for breakfast so we can get to know each other as MISTI-Con gets rolling, and when you get back home, check out our Meet-up ( for more events through the year.
Christian Fans Praise & Worship Meet-Up (Meet-Ups)
Sunday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Robin Johns Grant
Want to meet up with other Christian Potter fans? Like going to Sunday services but don’t want to leave the con? Let’s get together for an informal, costume-friendly, all-are-welcome praise and worship service on Sunday morning!
Bewitching Bazaar and Author's Alley (SE)
Saturday 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Main Tent
Cosplay Corner 1 (DoCS)
Thursday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Perseus LePage and Guests
Where you can come for cosplay issues, questions, emergencies, or just to drop by and talk costumes and character, in or out of character, posing practice. Lucius Malfoy will be presiding with a rotating cast of characters along to advise and entertain.
Cosplay Corner 2 (DoCS)
Friday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Perseus LePage and Guests
Where you can come for cosplay issues, questions, emergencies, or just to drop by and talk costumes and character, in or out of character, posing practice. Lucius Malfoy will be presiding with a rotating cast of characters along to advise and entertain.
Cosplay For All Panel (DoCS)
Sunday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Pavilion Tent
Perseus LePage and Guests
This is a round-table discussion on the hot topics of Cosplay like gender and race crossplay, body type/size, disabilities and making your cosplay character your own, boundaries - pushing and respecting, and of course, how costumes can be adapted and accessible to all.
COSPLAY: Both Sides of the Camera (DoCS)
Friday 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Christine Evans and Guests
Cosplay is not just "I am pretty take a picture of me!" Like all great photography, there is a art to set up and framing both in front of the camera as well as behind. Learn from our master cosplayer and photographers on how to tell your story as a model and how to capture it as a photographer.
Costumed Tea with the Malfoys (DoCS)
Sunday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Pavilion Tent
Perseus and Draco LePage
Costuming Superlative Showcase (SE)
Friday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Pavilion Tent
Perseus and Draco LePage
Death Eater Mask-Making (DSO)
Friday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Joshua Madruga
Have you ever felt the urge to explore the darker side of the Harry Potter world? Maybe you've thought of becoming a Death Eater in service to The Dark Lord? Or perhaps you just like those snazzy masks they wear. Let's explore our own Dark Personas and learn how to create our very own Death Eater masks! We will create custom, one-of-a-kind Death Eater style masks using acrylic paints and markers, with a variety of stencils at our disposal to add those unique patterns and details. Individuality and creativity will be explored in this craft-based workshop. All ages welcome!
Defense Against The Dark Arts (DIWSP)
Sunday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Vladimir Snape
Following the Final Battle, Professor Snape was able to shed his Death Eater skin. Now, he is an outspoken advocate for anti-bullying, gender equality, and human rights. This is a discussion and Q&A session.
Do Fictional Worlds Shape our Views of the Real World?* (DSO)
Friday 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Professor Jack Gierzynski
Join a discussion of the role of fiction in the development of political perspectives. Hear other people's stories of what they've learned from their favorite books, films, games and TV shows, and share your own. Discussion introduced and led by Jack Gierzynski, author of Harry Potter and the Millennials.
Dressing like a Malfoy on a Weasley Budget: The Essentials of Thrifty Costuming (DoCS)
Sunday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Emma and Heather Brice
Join members of The Order of the Hippogriff as we explore the basics of costuming on a modest budget. From making your own accessories and costume pieces to hunting down the perfect thrift store finds, we will showcase some of our favorite cosplays! Feel free to wear your own thrifty costumes and share your stories in the discussion!
Everything You Wanted To Know About Outdoors LARPing (DoCS)
Thursday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Dave Leung
Curious about what Live Action Role-Playing is about? Come and find out! Similar to cosplay, larping is a big tent: there are a lot of games that are called larps, but they can differ pretty substantially from each other. Come find out if larping is something you want to dip your toe into.
Fair-Price Fashion for the Fetching, yet Frugal (DoCS)
Friday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Christina Grey
Successful cosplay may seem challenging for individuals not possessed of either the tools to design and create items from scratch or the funds to purchase ready-made or custom items. This presentation explores how to build a successful cosplay ensemble using secondhand, thrifted, vintage, and otherwise inexpensive items.
Fame and Voyeurism in the Potterverse* (DEPI)
Thursday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Krista Domin
Fame and voyeurism played a role through the entire HP series. This will be a roundtable discussion about how fame and voyeurism drove the story, and how it affected the characters.
Fan Fiction: Noble Past, Explosive Present, and Your Publishing Future (DoME)
Sunday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Robin Johns Grant
Do you love to write—but prefer fan fiction? Does that sometimes embarrass you? Do you worry you’re pouring too much effort into a dead-end pursuit, when you should be writing “real” literature? This encouraging presentation will provide an overview of the noble history of derivative works (Shakespeare as a fanfic writer?!) Plus, we’ll talk about your goals for writing and the changes in publishing that can help you achieve them without sacrificing your passion.
Fandom is Magic* (DIWSP)
Saturday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Nancee Lee Allen
The dictionary defines a fandom as ”the realm of avid enthusiasts,” while the media defines us as just plain “fanatics”. I see fandoms as magic – a place where individuals who love scifi, magic and fantasy can find a sense of belonging. What does fandom really mean and how does being a part of a fan community add more to people’s lives? This will be a round-table discussion on what our fandom has brought to each of us and be a safe place to openly discuss how we choose to express ourselves through art, fanfic and cosplay.
Fanfic Reading 1 - Hernandez (Rated G) (FF)
Saturday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Fanfic Reading: A mother's love is forever. (Eileen Snape, Severus Snape)
Fanfic Reading 2 - Thomure and Selkirk (Rated M) (FF)
Saturday 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Fanfic Reading: The Contrivance Match -- each team devises one Contrivance to help them on the pitch. The only rule -- no foreseeable permanent damage. When Slytherin captain Draco Malfoy gets the bright idea of spying on Potter using Potter's boy, Creevy Minor, there are no rules off the pitch, either. (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Snape, Harry/Draco, Mature Content)
Fiber Crafters Meetup (Meet-Ups)
Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Sara Melnick
Knitters, crocheters, spinners, needle felters, and other fiber crafters: come hang out, meet other crafters, and discuss crafting, fandom and anything else. Bring your materials and creations to show off to others and craft together.
Flesh, Blood, and Bone: Breathing Life into Original Characters (DoCS)
Saturday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Noah McBrayer Jones
Strong cosplay starts with strong headcanon. Begin to realize your original character's potential or hone your ideas for a precision look. Learn professional performance-building tools spanning both physical and mental considerations to bring your original character out of the background. Don't have an OC in mind yet? No worries. You will by the end. All levels of performance experience and existing world familiarity are welcome. Please come dressed to comfortably move.
Friends of A.K. Yearling: HP fans for MLP (Meet-Ups)
Sunday 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Melissa Aaron
Are you a Harry Potter fan who also loves My Little Pony? You're not alone! Come and meet some fellow fans. Who is Twinkle-iest Mentor: Celestia or Dumbledore? What would Pony Snape's cutie mark be? Who giggles at the ghostie better: Lupin or Pinkie Pie? Debate these questions or just join us for a nice pony-rrific time. Plushies optional. We don't judge.
From the Closet to Cosplay: A Beginner's Guide to Costuming on a Budget (DoCS)
Friday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Kristina Moy, Kelly Singco, and Auror Ni Augurey
Can’t sew for your life? Don’t have a pocket full of Galleons to spend on your dream costume? If you want to learn how to cosplay on a budget, you’ve come to the right place. Experts/attendees can share tips on how to pair up clothes and accessories together. Find out where the greatest pieces and accessories are hiding. Discover how to turn old clothes into something “new” for a costume. The opportunities are endless!
Hallows & Horcruxes Presents Living Games Inspired by the World of Harry Potter (DoCS)
Friday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Hallows & Horcruxes
For Misti-Con, The Messieurs have developed a unique 90-minute game set among The Wizarding World's Fair. Both experienced and new players alike are invited to bring their wands, robes, and their own original characters to the session for an unforgettable living games experience.
Harry Potter - Katniss Everdeen - Beatrice Prior - Symbols of Choice (DoME)
Saturday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
David James Gras
What does it mean to dedicate oneself to self-sacrificial love? This is a question many people have asked, including authors J. K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth. Self-sacrificial love, courage and bravery are main themes in Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Divergent. Our discussion will converge on the fact that even though these three major characteristics have many similarities, they each focus on very different challenges.
Harry Potter and Cormoran Strike Get Their Man (DEPI)
Friday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Karen Kebarle
In HP:DH, Rowling conceals from the audience how Harry works out that he's the master of the Elder wand in order to spring this big reveal on both Voldemort and the reader. I explore how this concealment makes Harry a forerunner of her detective, Cormoran Strike, and allows Rowling to give both her main characters the kind of triumphant revenge speech that both solves the mystery and humiliates their adversary.
Harry Potter and the Family of Choice* (DIWSP)
Sunday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Danielle Green,Julie Schwartz
Join us as we engage MISTI-Con’s theme of “apparating across borders” in a roundtable discussion exploring ways of reading Harry Potter through a queer lens. Consider the ways in which Harry Potter offers queer alternatives to traditional family constructs—as well as the ways in which it may fail to maintain the promise of such alternatives—in a low-stakes and friendly environment. Come share your thoughts with your fandom family!
Harry Potter and the Reichenbach Fall (DEPI)
Sunday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Do you see Potterverse parallels in BBC Sherlock? What happens when we look Sherlock-Moriarty showdown or Mary Morstan’s story arc through a Potter-informed interpretive lens? Join Drinkingcocoa and other fans from the Three Patch Podcast for a presentation followed by an audience participation discussion of Potter themes in the BBC Sherlock Universe.
Harry Potter Game Night (G/S)
Thursday 10:30 PM - 12:00 AM
Mariah / Common Room
Claire Mulvey
Not ready for bed yet? Come on up to the Common Room and play some board games with us! Potter-themed board games and puzzles will be available, as well as a few favorites from the Muggle world. Games will be available to play or borrow for the duration of the con, so if you miss this event, don't worry!
Harry Potter: Phoenix Song and The Order of Virtues (DoME)
Friday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
David James Gras
The Harry Potter series is attractive to millions of readers because the books are imaginatively written and they strike both young and old alike with a sense of empowerment and moral courage. Harry Potter exemplifies courage as a major virtue throughout the seven book series. We shall explore the virtue of courage within Harry’s journey as it relates to the “Phoenix Song” referred to in the Harry Potter book series.
Hogwartian Decor (Meet-Ups)
Sunday 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
Zo Mo
Meet-up for folks who love to decorate their homes in Wizarding style. Wish you lived at Hogwarts, trying to make your room or home look like you do. Come chat with others who want the same, share ideas and sources (Bring Photos please… I love to see what others are doing to cosplay their homes)
Hogwarts: Castle or Character* (DEPI)
Saturday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Krista Domin
Do you think Hogwarts Castle is alive? Is it a sentient or sapinet being or just a lifeless old building? Did magic bring the castle to life, or does it seem to be alive because of magic? This roundtable will discuss all these things and more about the castle so many of us love and call home.
House Rivalries: Beta Test of a new HP card game (DoMSaG)
Thursday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Dylan Grey
House Rivalries is a brand new game set at Foxcroft Academy of Magic, a wizarding school along the east coast of the United States. Contentions flare in this card game designed by Dylan Grey and with art by Cas Johnstone, as players battle to determine which house rules the school. Will you rise to the top of your class, or will you have to take summer courses just to keep up? Will you rack up house points by studying hard, or simply come out on top by making others look bad? Find out when you relive your school days in House Rivalries! This presentation will teach you the ins and outs of Foxcroft. Playtesting will be available periodically throughout MISTI-con in the common room, giving you the opportunity to play well before crowd-funding will get you your own copy. Attendees of this session will have first priority to play.
Houses vs. Factions: Comparing Harry Potter and Divergent (DEPI)
Saturday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Nadia Mulvihill
Potter characters are in houses and Divergent characters are in factions, and readers want to identify with these categories themselves. Why do readers like characters to be organized by personality? Why do readers want to place themselves in these rigid categories? This discussion will touch upon psychology, philosophy, and character analysis. Non-Divergent-fans are welcome, but no promises about spoilers!
How to Get Along with the Other Three Houses (DIWSP)
Sunday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Nadia Mulvihill
We may not be able to try on the Sorting Hat, but the “True Colors” personality test might be the next best thing. But after the sorting, what’s next? You have a sense of pride in your own house, but why not celebrate the others? Learn how to improve your relationships outside of your house. Get ready to learn about yourself and others as we create inter-house unity!
HP Fandom in Japan (DIMC)
Sunday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
James Snape
A look at HP Fandom in Japan, and the opening of the Wizarding World at Universal Studios Japan in Osaka.
In Memoriam: To Our Dearly Departed (NC17) (DSO)
Sunday 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Kat Ell
As readers, we were denied closure with so many of our beloved HP characters. Now is our chance to mourn together. Write a eulogy (before the convention, please) In Memory of any of our Dearly Departed members from the HP series and join our panel to share your heartfelt words with other mourners. For those too overcome by sadness, substitute readers will be available.
Intro to Fandom Quilting (Craft)
Friday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Robin Johns Grant
Quilting has been around for centuries, but new techniques and products allow even beginners to create amazing works of art—including fan art. Learn the basics of quilt-making, see examples of fandom quilts and hear about techniques from simple to complex that will help you transform your fandom visions into glorious quilted reality. First fifteen attendees (who can hand sew a basic running stitch) will receive a kit and create a micro mini fandom quilt.
IQA from myth to reality (DoMSaG)
Saturday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Jill Staniec
Quidditch was brought to life from the pages of Harry Potter and has generally grown away from those roots over the past ten years. Changes include decreasing the points for snitches, introducing increasingly restrictive snitch boundaries, and establishing more rules and regulations. At the same time, the organizational structure of the sport has also been changing. This presentation proposes that while the game itself is becoming increasingly distant from its literary roots, the sport is becoming more similar, for good or for bad.
Keynote Luncheon (SE)
Friday 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Main Tent
Dr. Janina Scarlet,Professor Anthony Gierzynski,John Granger
Lakeside Ghost Stories with Madame Lestrange (Media)
Friday 10:30 PM - 12:00 AM
Christina Tolisano
After the sun has set, join Madame Lestrange by the lake for a little spooks! Enjoy one or two classic ghost stories, and learn about some paranormal happenings in Laconia, NH and Lake Winnepasauki. Have a favorite ghost story of your own? Perhaps you've had a spooky run-in with a ghost? Share them here! We'll talk about fear, the fascination of ghosts and maybe even pass a mirror around for a fun game of Bloody Mary! Bring a blanket, towel or pillow for comfort or extra warmth.
Literary Guest Reading Hour 1 (LT)
Friday 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Literary Track Panel
Come join us for refreshments and listen to our amazing featured professional fantasy authors read short selections from their latest published work! Get hooked on a new series! PG-13 content. Books available for sale and signing.
Literary Guest Reading Hour 2 (LT)
Saturday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Literary Track Panel
Come join us for refreshments and listen to our amazing featured professional fantasy authors read short selections from their latest published work! Get hooked on a new series! PG-13 content. Books available for sale and signing.
Live Cold reading of an original Snape-centric screenplay: "His Source of Resolve" (NC17) (Media)
Thursday 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Kris Saunders
Back by popular demand, the original screenplay "His Source of Resolve" will be read by selected audience members. This Snape-centric story takes place the year before Harry first arrives at Hogwarts. Ten years is a long time for Snape (or any man) to wait before executing his purpose of protecting Harry. In the homestretch, Snape’s resolve is understandably in bad shape. This is what the screenwriter suggests it took for him to recover in time.
Lockhart Lovers (Meet-Ups)
Saturday 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Nichole Kemsley
A meet up for those Lockhart Lovers who participated in the crowd sourced Valentines Day and love letter writing campaign. Gilderoy will personally be there to thank you, give you your badge and take a photo with you.
Madam Malkin's Clearance Rack (Craft)
Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Mariah / Common Room
Mary MacLeod
Witches and wizards selling cast-off clothing for bargain prices
Magical Symbols of Inner Strength: Time-Turners, Cauldrons, and Slytherin’s Locket (DoMRaD)
Saturday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
How would you use a Time-Turner? To make up for lost time, as Hermione did when unpetrified? Or to view the past from a different perspective and set an innocent person free? What’s in your softly simmering cauldron? For whom would you wear Slytherin’s locket? Join a meditation on magical objects as images to help us understand our own inner resources and the way we strengthen our loved ones.
Make Your Own Cauldron Cake (Craft)
Sunday 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Jennifer Drucker
Students can learn to decorate a cupcake like magic! Make and decorate spooky Harry Potter themed cupcakes using buttercream icing, candy and toppings. We will show you the different piping techniques with a variety of tips to create three different cupcakes. ($5 participation fee)
Making Mandrakes (DoCS)
Saturday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Zo Mo
Feeling crafty or wish you were....Join me to MAKE and then TAKE home your own MANDRAKE (un-potted and untrained in singing). A simple and fun craft, no real art talent required, just a willingness to get a bit messy fingered. Children welcome with an adult helper. All supplies and tool needed will be supplied, crafting limited to first 20 to room.
Mature Literary Guest Reading Hour (LT)
Saturday 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Cecilia Tan
Come listen to our amazing featured professional fantasy author read short selections from their latest published work! Get hooked on a new series! NC-17 content. Books available for sale and signing.
Maypole Dance (SE)
Saturday 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Ministry Masquerade (SE)
Sunday 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Main Tent
MISTI-Con 2015 Teen Meet-Up (Meet-Ups)
Thursday 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Pavilion Tent
A chance for teens attending MISTI to meet each other.
MISTI-Con Teen Meet Up 2: 21st Century Marauders (Meet-Ups)
Friday 10:15 PM - 11:00 PM
A second meet-up for teens attending the Con.
MuggleNet Presents: HP Family Feud (DSO)
Friday 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Keith Hawk
MuggleNet Family Feud unites fans and audience in a comedy game show featuring two uniquely identifiable teams such as Death Eaters vs. Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's Army vs. The Professors, Weasley Family vs. Malfoy Family, etc. The format of the game is identical to the successful game show on television. Host Keith Hawk from MuggleNet has accumulated a whole new series of questions that were surveyed by 100 people to bring you the top answers on a Harry Potter subject. Be sure to attend this show as its one of the most popular events at each convention.
Murder Mystery Dinner (SE)
Friday 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Main Tent
Clever by Half Productions
No Sleep Till Breakfast Karaoke (SE)
Thursday 10:30 PM - 12:00 AM
Not Just Another Angry Teen Wizard: Harry Potter and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder* (DEPI)
Friday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Nancee Lee Allen
A look at how Harry Potter’s confirmed diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues in the HP books can be used as a tool to reduce the stigma of mental illness. There is a great deal of mental health symbolism in the Harry Potter books including the dementors as a metaphor for clinical depression and a boggart as the manifestation of an individual’s fears.
Opening Gala (SE)
Thursday 8:00 PM - 9:45 PM
Main Tent
Owl Postal Service Exchange Wrap-Up (Craft)
Sunday 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Dylan Grey
A gathering for folks who participated in the Owl Postal Service Exchange, a specially organized pre-MISTI craft exchange. Come meet and greet other participants and say thanks for gifts you've received throughout the con. Attendance is optional, but we'd love to see you if you're not otherwise busy!
Parenting, House by House (DIWSP)
Friday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Drinkingcocoa, Kristin Cavuto
Fandom parents, do you have a wee Gryffindor who loves to stand up for what is right? A precocious Slytherin who impresses you with the ability to plan for the long term? A Ravenclaw old soul who always listens to reason? A tiny Hufflepuff who knows to their core that we are all the same on the inside? Join other fan parents for a discussion of how House affiliation affects learning, discipline, and sibling rivalry, and more.
Photo Editing 101 (DoCS)
Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
The Enthusiasts
This session covers the basics of making photos look better in post processing. This will include demonstrations on the process.
Pitch Perfect: The Art of Selling Your Book (LT)
Friday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
N.Apythia Morges
It doesn’t matter how brilliantly your manuscript is written if you can’t get anyone interested in reading it. The book pitch is one of the most important — and often challenging —aspects of getting work into the hands of an agent, editor, or reader. This interactive workshop will focus on the three basic pitches: one sentence, one minute, and one page. Brave souls will be able to try out their pitches for constructive feedback and prizes.
Pool Party (SE)
Saturday 11:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Indoor Pool
Potter Event Planners (Meet-Ups)
Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Heather Murphy
Harry Potter conventions are a great chance for HP group leaders and event planners to meet in person. Let's use this time to get to know each other as well as share ideas and organizing tips! Both new group leaders looking to get started as well as more experienced leaders are welcome to attend!
Potterlock Fanfic Pajama Party! (NC17) (Media)
Thursday 11:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Potterlock fanfic pajama party! Bring your favorite Sherlock or Potterlock fanfics to share and read aloud. It's all fine! 18 and over.
Pre-Opening Gala Cocktail Hour (SE)
Thursday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Main Tent
Prepared to Prance (DoMSaG)
Sunday 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Cass Morris
The mark of every civilized society, dance has an incredible ability to bring people together -- and witches and wizards are no exception. This lively, on-your-feet workshop will teach a fusion of historical court and country dances with modern music, demonstrating the fun and flirtation inherent in the steps. No dance experience is necessary, though the ability to count to 8 and know one's right from one's left are encouraged. Bring water and wear comfortable shoes.
Private Photoshoots 101 (DoCS)
Friday 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
The Enthusiasts
This session covers how to set up a photoshoot, photograph them, what to do/not do. This will focus on the cosplayer's point of view as well as the photographer's.
Project Wizard (Craft)
Sunday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Rondah Phelps
You've partied a little too hearty with your wizarding friends and the cruel light of dawn catches you in an alley as you attempt to get home. Too late to apparate - you will have to whip up a muggle disguise - without magic. Using what you find in the alley, make a muggle outfit. Seems easy, right - but wait. You may gain new items by answering questions or completing challenges.
Quill and Parchment Games (G/S)
Saturday 8:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Mariah / Common Room
Cass Morris
Whatever the allure of sophisticated gaming through advanced Muggle technology, there's still magic in the old classics. Join us for Pictionary, Hangman, Charades, and more -- all themed to the wizarding world! -- and you'll feel like you've been hit with a Cheering Charm. Relaxed, casual fun -- no need to bring anything but yourself!
Registration Open (Reg)
Thursday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Main Lobby
Registration Open (Reg)
Saturday 8:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Mariah / Common Room
Registration Open (Reg)
Sunday 8:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Mariah / Common Room
Religions and Magic* (DIWSP)
Friday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Krista Domin
This will be a roundtable discussion of various religions and how magic functions within them. How do muggle borns deal with being magic if their religion contradicts it? Why do we only see Christian holidays observed? Is there a church or synagogue in Hogwarts? These are all questions that will be discussed.
Running, Marathons, and the People Who Do That Stuff (DoMSaG)
Sunday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Dave Leung
Curious about running? Or marathons? Maybe you have zero intention of ever running, but are curious: so, why do people run marathons? ("What is WRONG with them?!?") Come and find out all the cool stuff runners learn without having to break a sweat. And if you are interested in becoming a runner, come ask questions!
Salem-Area HP Groups Meet-Up (Meet-Ups)
Saturday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Bella Forrister
Meet-up with other Harry Potter fans in the Salem area.
Scrapping with Peeves (Craft)
Friday 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Mariah / Common Room
Available for the first 20 attendees, this workshop will instruct students some basic to moderate scrapbooking skills. Each student will leave the workshop with a mini-album for them to insert their MISTI-Con pictures into. Everything will be provided to them including the paper, glue, scissors, accessories and instruction. Of course, if they so choose, they can bring their own supplies and pictures. Otherwise, they will need to play nicely and share with the other students.
Screening: Wizard People, Dear Reader (Media)
Friday 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Dave Plisky
This is not the Harry Potter of your childhood. Wizard People, Dear Reader, is a rude and intentionally uninformed retelling of The Sorcerer's Stone by Brad Neely, who replaces the film's soundtrack with his hilarious narrative. Imbibing encouraged. 18+.
Severus Snape and the Art of Being Human (DEPI)
Friday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
In the words of author Panache Desai, “We can only ever be who we are and at some point that has to be good enough.” Logospilgrim’s lecture will focus upon self-acceptance, from a humanist perspective. Using Professor Snape and his journey as an example, she’ll relate how he helped her cross a succession of personal boundaries and obstacles; her presentation will be structured around symbols, objects and physical characteristics that reveal his complex humanity.
Similarities between Deaf Culture and the Wizarding World (DIMC)
Thursday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Ana Gondring
Snape-aholic's Anonymous (DG)
Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Christina Tolisano
Do you Snape everyday? Feel lost and alone without your daily dose of Severus? Do you spend too much time or money on The Half-Blood Prince? Have you become a dedicated Alan Rickman fan because of Professor Snape? Is Severus Snape getting in the way of a truly productive Muggle life? If so, you may be a Snape-aholic. Come to this meeting to discuss your...obsession with all things Severus. Meet others just like you! We can only support each other! Always.
Star-Spangled Sorcery: History and Education in the American Wizarding Confederation (DIMC)
Friday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Cass Morris
The American Wizarding Confederation is pleased to confirm that the Department of Secrecy and Obfuscation's misinformation campaigns have been a success. With the Muggle population cheerfully ignorant of the truth, AWC representatives are secure to share the history of American wizarding culture and magical education with attendees at the Fair. Join us for an exploration of America's multicultural magical tapestry! [Presented by the mods of headcanon blog American Wizarding (]
Stitch and Witch (Craft)
Sunday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Nichole Kemsley
A call to all who want to get down and crafty! Bring your knitting needles, crochet hooks, scissors, glue, paper, quills, or any kind of project (sewing machines… if you have fitted them in with an undetectable extension charm) and come meet some like minded people for an arts and crafts session of the most magical kind. Nibbles to be provided, but this is an all ages event, no cursing (at projects or people) allowed.
Taiko Drum Workshop (TE)
Friday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pavilion Tent
Odaiko New England
In this workshop you’ll learn how we produce the thunderous taiko sound, and about the Japanese drumming tradition and experience. We’ll cover the history of taiko drumming, drums and percussive instruments and their uses, and basic taiko techniques. We’ll practice kuchishoga, the aural tradition of taiko song learning, and depending on time, visitors may have a chance to play a simple song.
Tarot as Storytelling (DoME)
Thursday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Cecilia Tan
Use the Tarot to mine your subconscious and create better fiction. Whether you are writing fanfic, professional fiction, or you're just curious about Tarot readings, this class introduces Cecilia's "freestyle" Tarot readings and the many ways that the cards can be used as revelatory tool. Come learn the magic behind using the archetypes in the Tarot as a means to channel character, plot, conflict, resolution, and theme. Please bring a deck if you have a favorite.
The Art of Wand Dueling (13+) (DoMSaG)
Saturday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Pavilion Tent
C. Wormwood
The art of combative magic is a great and terrible one and is not to be practiced carelessly. While magical combat has evolved over the years, the modern tactics used on the field by aurors and their opponents have blossomed from elegant and antiquated roots in formalized dueling. In this active and on-your-feet session, you will learn to duel like an expert. Don't forget your wands!
The Art of Wizard Dance (DoMSaG)
Sunday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Irvin Khaytman
Foster better relations with goblins by learning one of their traditional dances, taught by Bill Weasley. Mr. Weasley will teach all the attending wizards and goblins a short routine that utilizes elements of the Paso Doble and the Jive, easy to learn for any dancing novice. And who knows, if you hit it off with a goblin dance partner, Gringotts may raise your bank account’s interest rates!
The Bad Boys of Potter (DEPI)
Thursday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Trissa Hall
Why are so many fans fascinated by the "bad boys" of the Potter series? Is it canon or fanon that makes them so intriguing? If we didn’t have the HP movies, would they have the same following? Are we obsessed with these bad boys because they are some of the hottest guys on screen in a Potter movie, or because of the characters themselves? Come and talk about your favorite bad boy!
The Biology of the Beast: Fantastic Beasts & How to Classify Them* (DGWC)
Saturday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Jason Crean
It seems, though magical, that many of the Fantastic Beasts as described by Scamander follow natural laws including evolutionary rules under which all species are governed. This presentation will illustrate these similarities and how the derived characters that each species exhibits help us to classify them. Samples of how these examples can be used in classrooms will also be discussed.
The Boy Who Lived: Magical Spirituality in the Harry Potter Universe (DoME)
Saturday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Rik Potter
Within the Harry Potter books are many hidden gems of magickal wisdom, obscured behind subtle metaphor and clever storytelling. In this presentation, modern witch Rik Potter shares the mystical and metaphysical themes found in the Harry Potter stories, including the connection between the Chakras and Horcruxes, the spiritual message of the White Stag and Silver Doe, and an examination of Harry Potter himself as Magickal Practitioner, Walker Between The Worlds and Spiritual Guide. Rik will also discuss the benefits of Harry Potter lifestyling, and conclude the presentation with a guided meditation. This lecture is based on Rik Potter’s book "The Boy Who Lived: Magickal Spirituality in the Harry Potter Universe". Rik will bring copies of his book to sign after the lecture. Visit Rik's website at
The Business of Writing (LT)
Sunday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
N. Apythia Morges
Often authors refer to writing as a craft. The hard truth is the skill of writing is just one aspect needed to be a successful author in today’s publishing industry. These days, authors also need a strong understanding of marketing and promotions as well as accounting and financing to be a success. This roundtable will discuss key points to consider in publishing contracts, the truth about book publicity and marketing, useful accounting tips, promotional tactics and more. Come with questions; leave with answers and ideas.
The Diogenes Club (Meet-Ups)
Friday 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Hey, introverted fans! Want to be around other people but not talk? Sit in companionable silence? Or have a quiet tarot card reading? Come for tea, cake, and blessed peace. Bring your laptop, your art supplies, your knitting, and your tranquility. Named for the silent club run by Slytherin Head Boy Mycroft Holmes, but we welcome everyone, not just Sherlock fans.
The Doom Bar Detective: What Cormoran Strike Teaches Us About Harry Potter and Vice Versa (DoME)
Sunday 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
John Granger
Why should Harry Potter readers care about the Cormoran Strike detective novels of J. K. Rowling? John Granger, whom Lev Grossman calls "the Dean of Harry Potter scholars, believes that Rowling is writing a key to the Hogwarts Saga adventures inside the peg-leg private eye's mysteries -- and he is all but sure that, with the publication of the third Strike novel, we will witness a second Rowling-induced literary mania. Re-discover in John's talk the real magic of Harry Potter -- the literary artistry and profound meaning of stories told right.
The Goblet of Fire Scavenger Hunt (Craft)
Friday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Christine Madruga
The Goblet of Fire Scavenger Hunt hosted by Harry Potter himself! Join us for some story telling, fun activities and crafts, and find out what the Goblet has in store for you!
The Goblet of Fire Scavenger Hunt Wrap-Up (Craft)
Sunday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Christina Madruga
All Scavenger Hunt participants are invited to gather for a quick wrap up and see how you did! A champion is to be awarded, as well as some other prizes! Harry will be waiting...
The Great Divide: A House Matter (DoME)
Sunday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Stephanie Shive
Join members of the Orlando-based Harry Potter club, the Central Florida Slug Club as we discuss House based stereotypes and personality traits. We will also have a Sorting discussion involving fictional characters from other fandoms.
The History of Wizarding Warfare and the Mechanics of Magical Combat (DoMRaD)
Sunday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
C. Wormwood
Curious about what it would really be like to be an Auror or a Deatheater in action? In this speculative lecture, we’ll explore how to survive a dueling shoot-out, the wartime strategies of wizards throughout history, and the martial principles of combat in the wizarding world. We’ll be discussing logistics of dueling, tactics, spells, fighting styles of favorite characters, military strategy, and more. (Trigger Warning: Combat situations, military violence)
The Magic of Daniel GreenWolf (TE)
Friday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Daniel GreenWolf
The Night Vale Vague, Yet Menacing, Meet-Up (Meet-Ups)
Sunday 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Jonathon Rosenthal
Do you see the Dark Planet that looms above us all? Lived through the horrors of Street Cleaning Day? Fought to the death with your clone? Are you your clone or are you you? Bring a book for our forbidden book swap, should you survive the librarians. ALL HAIL THE GLOW CLOUD!
The Presence of the Past (DoME)
Friday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
David Martin
The Harry Potter novels take place in a history-saturated world. We are surrounded with reminders of the past – the ghosts, the portraits (especially those in Dumbledore’s office), and even Hogwarts castle itself. Many mysteries in the novels are resolved only by discovering what happened fourteen, or fifty, or even a thousand years ago. Key characters are explained by revealing their past. This lecture looks at presence of the past in the Harry Potter novels and how it affects the present.
The Psychology of Harry Potter Roundtable (DSO)
Sunday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Dr. Janina Scarlet
The Harry Potter series can be described as timeless since above it is highly relatable, in particular, in terms of the characters' psychological development. Join the discussion on psychology behind Harry Potter and its characters with a geek psychologist, Dr. Janina Scarlet, who uses Harry Potter to help her patients recover from anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
The Roast of Harry Potter (18+) (SE)
Friday 10:45 PM - 11:45 PM
Pavilion Tent
Quigley Von Lugenschmidt and Friends
The Role of Books in the Harry Potter Novels (DoME)
Saturday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
David Martin
The Harry Potter novels take place in a fully developed book culture. "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore," Tom Riddle's diary and "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" function almost as characters. This lecture covers the role of books in the Harry Potter novels. Who uses books and how? Who doesn’t? When are books not enough? What can we learn about books from these novels?
The Seven Keys to Harry Potter: Unlocking the Artistry and Meaning of the World's Best Loved Books (DSO)
Saturday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Pavilion Tent
John Granger
Why do we love the Hogwarts Saga? John Granger, the man Lev Grossman at TIME magazine has dubbed "the Dean of Harry Potter scholars," believes it because Jo Rowling delivers best what readers want most from fiction. In a roller-coaster tour of the seven tools the author used - from seemingly mundane choices of genre and voice to the arcane symbolism of literary alchemy and ring composition -- Granger reveals the real-world imaginative magic of Harry's adventures.
The Weasleys, Dursleys and Malfoys: The Role of Family Values in Harry Potter* (DIWSP)
Friday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Nancee Lee Allen
Family values: A political/social concept that has been used in various nations to describe a set of moral beliefs specifically in response to the perception by social conservatives of declining morality within that nation. The concept of "family values" is rooted in each culture, thus making the values different for different societies. Would family values vary between the wizarding and Muggle worlds? I propose a look at wizarding family values by comparing two pure-blood families and one Muggle family.
The Wizarding World's Fair (SE)
Saturday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Tom Marvolo Riddle; What if the boy made all the 'right' choices? (DEPI)
Sunday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Joshua Madruga,Tom Forrester
What if the young wizard, Tom Marvolo Riddle, made all the right choices? What if he had used his passion for power to better himself and others? In this panel, we will discuss the potential, prowess, and power of the young Hogwarts student who would become the most feared Dark Wizard of all time. We will present the idea of an 'alternate' path Tom Riddle's life could have taken, and explore what made him such a special and unique member of the magical community.
Transformative Trickery (DoCS)
Sunday 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Cas Johnstone
Not all of us are lucky enough to be metamorphmagi. Most of us have to rely on bewitching tricks of the trade to transform. This workshop will explore the art of illusion by way of cosmetics and learning to transfigure faces and features. We'll make magic with the basics. All costumers are welcome; experts, apprentices, witches, wizards, and anyone in between or beyond. If you have personal make-up, feel free to bring it.
Trivia Time (Craft)
Sunday 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
So, you think you know Harry Potter? What's Ron's middle name? Who was the care taker prior to Filch? Let's see how smart you are! Attendees will be assigned into one of four teams to compete for the glory of being the Trivia Masters. Please, leave your Muggle smart phones off as there will be an anti-cheating spell cast on the room.
Twelve Best Ways to Train Your Wizard: What the Witches Knew (DIWSP)
Sunday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
David Martin
Ron - and other wizards - have the book "Twelve Fail-Safe ways to Charm Witches" but what do the witches have? They have each other, of course, and apparently that is all they need. This talk takes a humorous look at how the various witches in the HP novels manage and train their wizards. Perhaps the rest of us can learn something.
Unspeakable Night Dance Party (SE)
Saturday 11:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Urban Herbology 102 (DGWC)
Saturday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Skylark Idris Desserie
Urban Herbology 102 is a continuation of Sky's class from MC2013 but anyone can join. We will be talking about herbs their properties and ways to use and grow them in small spaces. we will also plant herbs into bigger pots to take home. If you have a pot or an herb you would like more information on, bring it or the question to class.
Violence Against Women in the Harry Potter Series* (DIWSP)
Friday 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Patrick McCauley
J. K. Rowling read Jessica Mitford’s Hons and Rebels at the age of fourteen and was deeply affected by it. The social critic and feminist Mitford was to become something of a role model for Rowling. Both Mitford and Rowling handle the presentation of women with a certain sophistication, delicate grace and seriousness. Careful and subtle presentations of violence perpetrated on women haunt both Hons and Rebels and the Harry Potter series. From Katie Bell to Dolores Umbridge and The Grey Lady, Rowling presents her reader with implications of violence and male control. Further, the plot lines of Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter are both initiated by acts of violence perpetrated by males on female characters. Both of these writers use the lens of misogyny to highlight the profound importance of what Mitford called our “instinctive respect for the fundamental dignity of every other human being,” and it is on this principle that both of these women ground their written work.
WART Task 2 (W.A.R.T.)
Friday 10:30 PM - 12:00 AM
Indoor Pool
Ray Smith
WART Task 3 (W.A.R.T.)
Saturday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Ray Smith
WART Final Task (W.A.R.T.)
Sunday 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Main Tent
Ray Smith
Web-based Story Lovers (Meet-Ups)
Saturday 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Megan Markham
For anyone who loves a webseries, blog or podcast. Everything from The Lizzie Bennet Diaries to Welcome to Nightvale to Job Hunters we will meet up and discuss everyones favorite web based stories. Brought to you by the creative team and actors behind The Pickwick Chronicles podcast
What a Character! (LT)
Saturday 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
N. Apythia Morges
Great characters make great books. Whether it’s adoration or abhorrence, readers develop relationships with the characters on a page, and it is those relationships that will keep bringing readers back. The key to writing great characters is to make them human and three-dimensional, complete with a history, dreams, and, most importantly, flaws. This workshop will focus on techniques and tricks to creating well-rounded characters that resonate with readers.
What's Too Young For A Revolution?: Conceal-Carry in the Wizarding World and the Younger Generation's Place in A World-Shaping Revolution (DIWSP)
Saturday 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Kris Saunders, Marcell Duchamp
The panel will discuss the speculated logistics of conceal-carry defense in the magical world enabling the entitlement and mentality of a younger generation to shape their world in the midst of a revolution. There will be opportunities for referencing the Harry Potter series as well as Hunger Games, Divergent, Game of Thrones, The Hobbit, and Ender’s Game, additionally putting our views to the test by applying our conclusions to current muggle world conflicts.
What's Your Cuppa Tea? (DSO)
Sunday 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Kristina Moy
Everyone likes their cuppa tea different. Looking for something new to try? No idea what tea even is (but you want to know more)? Tea blender Kristina Moy can give you tips to help you figure you what you’ll like! Learn everything you need to know about tea: the history, different families, loose leaf vs. bags, secrets to making THE perfect cuppa, how to make a good blend, Fandom Teas 101, and more!
Whose Wand Is It Anyway? (18+) (SE)
Friday 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Pavilion Tent
Why so WASPy? (DIMC)
Saturday 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Jill Staniec
Why is Harry Potter so ... white? There is diversity in the minor characters, and more diversity in the post-printed Pottermore, but why is so little diversity actually recorded in the books? From basic questions like why do they celebrate Christian holidays to more complex questions like how is disability, class, and sexual diversity handled within magical communities? Join this open discussion to discuss how we as fans can build--or discover--a more diverse Harry Potter world.
Wizard Rock / Filk Meetup and Jam Session (Meet-Ups)
Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Claire Mulvey
For those fans who express their love of Potter fandom through music, please join us for an informal meetup to share our voices and instrumental talents. Musical knowledge not required, but bring your music and your instruments if you've got 'em! We will sing along to some favorites from the heyday of wizard rock, share original compositions and recommend our favorite groups.
Wizarding World Wildlife Fund - Endangered Speices (DGWC)
Sunday 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Audrey Scamander
The Wizarding World Wildlife Fund (WWWF) fights to secure a future for magical creatures. Experts Aisara Blackwood (Romania), Audrey Scamander (Australia), Luna Lovegood (UK) and Zane Thorburn (USA) will make presentations on the magical creatures they work with: Romanian Longhorn Dragon, Hippogriffs, Drop Bears and Nargles, the threats they face and how they are working to protect them.
Wrock in the Wizengamot (SE)
Saturday 5:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Wrock Sing-Along (SE)
Sunday 12:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Mariah / Common Room
WWW: World Wide Werewolves: A Global State Of The Wolf update for 2015* (DGWC)
Friday 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Melissa Aaron
According to Newt Scamander, the werewolf is thought to have originated in Northern Europe, but is now found worldwide. But is the familiar Northern European werewolf the only form of this fascinating, misunderstood, and frequently reviled half-being, half beast? Certainly not! In the spirit of the Wizarding World Fair, this three part presentation will explore some non-European werewolves and werebeings, along with their misrepresentation in contemporary paranormal romance fiction; discuss the implications of recently revealed facets of Rowling’s werewolf mythology; and provide a current State of The Werewolf update on werewolves in popular culture.
Yarn Spinning (Craft)
Saturday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Deb Matthews
I will sit down and (attempt) to teach the basics of spindling wool into yarn. Also, brief overview of the history of spinning, types of fibres used, and then we can all have a great discussion on fabric and fibre arts in the Wizarding world. What materials are (allegedly) used, where are they coming from, and who is doing it. And where exactly, does Molly Weasley get all that yarn every year for the infamous Weasley sweaters? Spindles and wool will be provided.